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Florida has two types of licenses: Certified and Registered. Certified licenses can be used statewide, while Registered licenses are only good for a specific county in Florida.
The NASCLA exam is used to fulfill the trades exam requirement for Certified licenses (CGC, CBC, CRC). You must also take the Florida Business & Finance exam.
NASCLA is used as the trades exam requirement for the CGC (Certified General Contractor), CBC (Certified Building Contractor), or CRC (Certified Residential Contractor) licenses.
There are two required exams: the NASCLA commercial trades exam and the Florida Business & Finance exam. Once you pass the NASCLA exam, your passing score can also be used in other states to get commercial GC licenses. For a current list of states that accept NASCLA: Click Here
The Florida Registered Business & Law exam is required for Registered licenses ONLY. For Certified licenses, take the Florida Business & Finance exam.