NASCLA Frequently Asked Questions:
No, the NASCLA Accredited Examination eliminates the trade examination ONLY for the participating state agencies. Once you have passed an examination within the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program, contractors will still have to meet additional state licensure requirements within each participating state to obtain their license.
The NASCLA Accredited Examination was developed utilizing contractors from multiple jurisdictions across the United States and based on a national job occupational analysis. To review the NASCLA Test Specifications for the Commercial General Building Contractor Examination, click here. For more information on the NASCLA Accredited Electrical Examination Program, click here.
The state agencies administering an examination within the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program are offering the examination as their agency’s state specific trade examination. Some administering state agencies also offer their own state specific trade portion or the NASCLA Accredited Examination as an either/or option for their candidates to take. Accepting state agencies will accept the examination as an examination waiver in lieu of their state specific trade portion. All administering state agencies are also considered accepting state agencies.
You can also take the NASCLA Accredited Examination directly through PSI Services, LLC. If you take it directly through PSI Services, LLC instead of through the administering state agency, you will have to purchase individual transcripts from the National Examination Database (NED) to send to the state agency.
Register an account in the NASCLA National Examination Database (NED) at Register Here This account will allow you to purchase and electronically send your transcript information to the participating state agencies. If you have taken and passed the examination under an administering state agency, that agency will not need a transcript from the database as they are already by the testing company.
Login to your existing account in the NASCLA National Examination Database (NED) at Click Here. Once you are logged into your account, you will be able to click on “Transcript for Purchase” to purchase and send your test results electronically to the state agency with whom you are applying for licensure. Both you and the state agency will receive an emailed confirmation your transcript transaction is completed.
There is a $30.00 fee each time you need to send your transcript to a state licensing agency.
Transcripts are only valid in the system for a two (2) year period for the state agency to access the information. If it has been longer than two (2) years since a transcript has been purchased and you have NOT been licensed within that state, you will need to repurchase the transcript to go with your application for licensure with that state agency through the database.
The cost for the examination is $130 plus the $35 application fee. Please click here to review the candidate information bulletin from PSI.
Effective Monday, April 4, 2022, the NASCLA Accredited Examination for Commercial General Building Contractors examination fee will be $130. The fee increase, funds the development of other trade related examinations, supports the annual maintenance and compliance efforts so candidates can continue to have mobility and portability when taking the NASCLA Accredited Examination.
Eligibility is for one (1) year from the application approval date.
If I need to retest, how soon can I apply and is there a limited number of times I can retake the NASCLA Accredited Examination?
There is no restriction on how soon you can reschedule to sit for the exam if within the maximum three (3) times within the one (1) year eligibility period. If you have failed the examination three (3) times, you must wait one (1) year after your initial application was approved to reapply to take the examination.
Contact the NASCLA office with your specific questions by phone toll free at (866) 948-3363 or by email at
How to Register For Transcripts: Click Here