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Virginia has multiple different license Classes and Classifications. Licenses have a Class (Class A, B, or C) and also a Classification (RBC, CBC, CIC, DRY, etc).
The Class determines the per project limit (Class A has no limit, Class B has a $120,000 limit, and Class C has a $10,000 limit), and the Classification determines what type of work can be performed. For example, RBC is for residential building.
In Virginia, a license is required for any job over $1,000.
The Virginia CBC Commercial Building Contractor license allows the builder to bid on, build, or modify any type or size of commercial, industrial, institutional, or modular construction projects.
To obtain a Virginia CBC license, you will have to complete the 8 hour pre-license course, pass the Virginia Business & Law exam (for Class A and B contractors only) and also pass a trades exam. For the trades exam, you have a choice:
NASCLA is a standardized, multi-state accreditation. NASCLA is the better option if you're wanting to be licensed in multiple states. For a full list of states that accept NASCLA Click Here.
Residential Building Contractors are those whose contracts include construction, remodeling, repair, improvement, removal, or demolition of real property owned, controlled or leased by another person, including dwellings and townhouses—as defined in the USBC—and accessory buildings or structures on such property.
The Commercial Improvement Contractor provides services for repair or improvement to structures not defined as dwellings and townhouses in the USBC. The CIC classification does not provide for the construction of new buildings, accessory buildings, electrical, plumbing, HVAC or gas work.
The Virginia Drywall Contractor license classification covers drywall installation, removal and repair.
This exam is required for all Class A and B contractor's licenses. The Virginia Business & Law exam is a three-part exam covering information in 2 books. Class A contractors must pass all three parts (General, Virginia, & Advanced sections), while Class B contractors only need to pass two parts (General & Virginia sections). Class C contractors do not need to take this exam.
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